Julia Davis-Nosko
Sewing : Rucha Rucha

pod forms and poetry
Julia Davis-Nosko uses ceramic forms, textiles and words to create powerful synergies questioning how we form narratives.
There are several strands to her practice; the first is an idea developed through collaborative exploration with a group of other artists participating in DIY Gypsyland. Experimenting with her idea of “Truth Marks” gave her a strong sense of permission to explore; respecting her initial practice as a writer whilst working into different media, particularly tactile media.
Her contribution to John Newling’s intervention about Eden included performance in a 70 minute long composition created outside. It was a pivotal experience; exploring deeply the use of voice as instrument and subtle body movement as a part of dance, drawing on the experience of her work in Belarus with the State Theatre and Vitaly Barkowsky.
Recent exhibitions and residencies include; Ph1 artists residency at The New School House Gallery. ‘Rucha Rucha’ at Ignite, Bank Street Arts, Sheffield and Lodz Tapes for InDialogue at Nottingham Contemporary. Publications and awards include; exchange to the Belarus State Theatre in Vitebsk and performance in Edinburgh with the Demarco European Art Foundation. Collaborative programmes include work with the British Library. She has worked closely with Pam Warhurst on Incredible Edible; bringing people together through food growing and sharing.